Guess and Check


No worries

Filed under: Technology — 9:52 pm

Wow, usually I’m on the tail end of the blogosphere when it comes to interesting links. But not so! My post about Dan making the switch to WordPress was a full two days ahead of Matt’s bringing to the attention of the world.

I’m cool… or am I?


Dan stops worrying

Filed under: Technology — 6:59 pm

dsandler made the switch to WordPress.

Very nicely done.


COLAGE Bowl-a-thon

Filed under: General — 1:29 pm

I just sponsored Daisy Vargas Moran for the Ninth Annual COLAGE Bay Area Bowl-a-Thon.

COLAGE stands for Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere. Diasy is a mother of a Bay Area chapter member who I work with here in New York. She’s going to bowl the best game of her life.


Knicks game wrapup

Filed under: General,Sports — 10:03 pm

Eli Manning at the Knicks game

So the Knicks won last night. It was a good game. My seats weren’t nearly as good as Eli‘s here, but I sure can’t complain about the price.


Knicks game

Filed under: General,Sports — 4:35 pm

I’m going to be at tonight’s Knicks game.

I just entered one of those contests my school was having, and I won a free ticket.

I’m bringing the camera, so be sure to check back for some pictures.