Guess and Check


Don’t Always Blame The Parents

Filed under: Current Events — 8:16 pm

On Monday, Mike Krahulik (Gabe) of Penny Arcade posted a satire piece about a CNN story on how Nathan Moore and the others involved (Andrew Ihrcke and Luis Oyola) in the first degree reckless homicide of homeless man Rex Baum equated the thrill to something from a violent video game. Gabe’s piece satirically pointed at the parents of the kids as being more responsible then any violet video game.

Gabe followed up today with an explanation and a email from Moore’s step-mother. Her 1,614 word email gives amazing insight into the back story and the probable reasons behind Moore’s claims. I am very thankful that I was able to gain the knowledge that I did from reading what she wrote, it truly is a remarkable story. Like Gabe says, as crazy as the kid may be, he’s apparently not stupid.